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TMG5 Impressum

Ossip Groth  -  Maria-Theresia-Strasse 11 - 57462 Olpe - www.kidney.de root@kidney.de Arzt (Uni Hamburg), ÄK Westfalen/Lippe (www.aekwl.de)

A couple of meta-bibliographical resources for any health and science professional is shown in the left, some other resources on the right.
Those who want to use medical and scientific articles and reviews to get basic knowledge in some subject area or to keep up with the progress of the life sciences even beyond their personal frame of interest - especially medical doctors have to know anything but useless for recreation - are wellcome to enhance their knowledge, their skills and their clinical and translational performance by using some or all of my free-to-use webtools for human medicine.
Patients are encouraged to use original scientific communications to enhance their knowledge on diseases and physiology. This site does not substitute for consulting a health professional.
The author is a physician currently working in a small city general hospital with high interest in nephrology.
Site preliminary reviewed for certification
Data might be tracked, e.g. google analytics, plesk server tool, pagecounter, google ads, other third parties activities. There is no safe web. Site has currently no sponsor and does not require user fees. Site uses typical webad content. Site has daily changes of content. Last major site update 2014 Oct 26th.
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Like formerly scirus, US gov operated worldwidescience aggregates search results from about 90 sources. PubMed is not included. My set is better, but it doesnt aggregate.
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Open Access Webcrawler, 2.0 megDocs to be included in sm.kidney.de soon
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