EXPLANATION of the Medline Program Use FIREFOX for best performance, allow FIREFOX to open Popups from www.kidney.de (a white bar will appear at the appropriate time to do so) [1] Insert your Search Terms in the same way (booleans and bracketts) as you know it from PubMed into the uppermost box. (You can insert any kind of boolean complexity here; the AND and NOT boxes are implemented to give more visuality for the typical question "what is the role of A in B whereas i am not interested in C", on the long, a convenient way to copypaste preformed search terms describing e.g. "heart" AND "scintigraphy" - it is more visual to split them into these 2 or three blocks !!!!! [2] Select all (default option) from the search filters - or one of each category (extended review filter/date range filter/availability filter/language filter). [3] Select 'SCOUT Search" (default option) from the 5th Menue box. [4] Press the green Search PubMed button. Now, the original PubMed page opens, where you can improve your search terms as you are familiar with it. You can edit your query terms in my program and re-run the SCOUT Search by [4] pressing the search button.
If you have optimized your search terms, it is time to RUN Search on my program: select 'RUN Search' where you found 'SCOUT Search', then, press the green search button. After 30-60 seconds, data transfer to the new popup window will be ready - this shows a citation list with additional coloured buttons. Yellow and Green is free for all users, Blue only for those in Germany which hold a royalty free Licence to Load ( called Nationallizenz für Einzelpersonen). A click on the 'Linkout' opens a new popup page which shows the bibliographical information and abstract of this paper. This 'Common Linkout Box' gives links to To obtain the next couple of 2 x 500 results, go to the first page (this page), leave all other items untouched and select 'NEXT PAGE' from the 5th Menue box and press the green Search PubMed button. A little add-on functionality is to print out the citation lists - they are designed to go 2 on one printer page by manually selecting the printers options. If you have a barcode reader, you can install a the third-parties barcode font, it is free for individuals and business lower than 50 employees. At the programs main page, you have seen that there are three search pathways - the general search described here and two which use my database of One-Letter-Journal abbreviations. Explanations are given on the respective pages. If you should prefer to select the citations from the printed search list, you can type each single barcode/PubMed Number into the subprogram which is marked with the barcode symbol on the main page. Sure, this explanation is quite a paper, but the programs functionality is self-explaining. The programs 'individual aspects ' (german Alleinstellungsmerkmale) areAll PubMed searches are run via official API on NCBI, so the way of search term expansion and power to do complex searches is the same ! If you feel really comfortable with the original PubMed on NCBI, you can run a search on the NCBI website manually and copy-paste your optimized search terms into my ressource to obtain my added functionality. So, my ressource is not designed as an alternative, it is a lone-standing complementary addon resource