AngiogenesisBevacizumab ttVEGFCarmustineCMVCNS (Insula)CNS (MRT)CNS (Neoplasia Astrocytoma)CNS (Neoplasia Glioblastoma)CNS (Neoplasia Glioma)
CNS (Neoplasia Oligodendroglioma)GalectinGalectin1Gliadel wafersIDH1 Isocitrate dehydrogenase1 NADP solubleIDH2IETD ttCaspase9Interleukin24 MDA7JNK
LEHD ttCaspase9Neoplasia (Invasion and metastasis)Neoplasia (Oncolytic virus)Neoplasia (Tumor biology and immunology)NeurostatinNotchPDGFPTEN MMAC1 TEP1Radiation therapy
RadioprotectorSkin (Neoplasia Melanoma)SP600125 ttJNK1 ttJNK2 ttJNK3Stem cell (Embryonal)TemozolomideVaccine (Oncology)zVAD ttCaspases
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