5T4 Oncotrophoblast glycoproteinAutoantibodies Anti Tumor associated AntigensCD25Cell Secretion (Exosomes)CNS (Neoplasia Glioma)Colon and rectum (Neoplasia)CTLA4
CyclophosphamideGM CSFImmunotherapy (Adoptive cell transfer)Kidney (Neoplasia RCC)Kidney (Neoplasm)Lymphoma (BASKET)Lymphoproliferative disorders (Viral pathogenesis)
MimotopesMinor histocompatibility antigenNeoplasia (Imaging)Neoplasia (Tumor biology and immunology)NK cellsPCD (Multiple myeloma and other plasma cell dyscrasias)Prostate (Neoplasia)
Regulatory T cellT cell (gammadelta)Vaccine (Adjuvants)Vaccine (Dendritic cell)Vaccine (Oncology)
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