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Recent apprise on coronavirus and its terrible insinuations #MMPMID32313822
Virusdisease 2020[Jun]; 31 (2): 121-127 PMID32313822show ga
Epidemically increased evidence reveals that the link between the 2019-nCoV and other similar strain of coronaviruses circulating in bats and specifically the Rhinopodous bat sub-species. These sub-species are ample and widely present in Southern China, Middle East Africa and Europe. Recent studies show that more than 500 CoV have been identified in bats in China. The Center for Diseases Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization maintains a website that is updated frequently with new cases of MERS-CoV infection. As per WHO Situation report 16th, 24,554 number of cases confirmed globally out of which 99.22% cases from china. A new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is causing respiratory syndrome mostly in Hubei Province, China. Corona Virus spread over 24 countries including Japan, India, Korea, and other countries 2019-CoV infection vary from mild, moderate or severe illness; the later includes severe pneumonia, ARDS, sepsis and septic shock. There are two diagnostic tests for coronavirus infection i.e. molecular test and serology test. In this review article there are the various recent cases of the patients that are suffering from the corona virus, the outcome of these studies is that corona virus infection is an epidemic disease which affects Central Nervous System (CNS).