OLPE-OPEN : List of +10.000 Open Access and Hybrid Access Journals ordered by Topic and by Alphabet

Medline Program which uses this journal database.

Life Sciences Medicine Internal Medicine Health Technology Assessment AIDS Diabetes
Cardiology Angiology Thorax Pulmology Nephrology Urology Gynecology Endocrinology Diabetes Metabolic Dieases
Gastroenterology Hepatology Pancreas Oncology Hematology Bone-Marrow-Transplantation Transfusion Hereditary Orphans
Allergy Clinical-Immunology Rheumatology Autoimmunity Orthopedics Traumatology Dermatology

Dental Oral Medicine Otology Rhinology Laryngology Ophthalmology Neurology Neurosurgery Neurosciences Psychiatry Psychology Neurophysiology Anesthesia Intensive Medicine Emergencies
Surgery Transplantation Artificial Organs Medical Devices Regenerative Medicine Stem Cells

Obstetrics Reproduction Neonatology Pediatrics

General Practitioner Rural Medicine Telemedicine Geriatrics Rehabilitation Nursing Complementary AlternativeMedicine Forensic Medicine
Laboratory Medicine Techniques Endoscopy Radiology Optics Image Processing Microscopy Pathology Anatomy Development Physiology
Cell Biology Biochemistry Immunology Microbiology Tropical Medicine Environmental OccupationalMedicine Toxicology Teratology Genetics Syndromes
Mathematics Statistics Trials Bioinformatics Clinical Informatics Publishing Library Knowledge Management History of Science and Medicine Clinical & Research Ethics & Methods &Animal Experimentation
Nutrition Nutraceuticals Pharmacology Nanology

Veterinary Medicine Zoology Botany Ecology

Sciences Sciences Chemistry Physics Hydrology Geology-Geography Meteorology Astronomy
Technology and Agrar

Education Humanities

Anthropology Sociology Law Politics Admin Economy
Journals which remain to be indexed

1. Column shows Start Year of Open Accessibility

2. Column shows buttons which mean

Open/ZeroEmbargo In PubMed
Open/ZeroEmbargo No PubMed
Hybrid In PubMed
Hybrid No PubMed
German Personen Nationallizenz In PubMed
German Personen Nationallizenz No PubMed

3. Column shows Journal Title (Medline Abbreviation if included therein)

4. Column shows Embargo period (*=zero, Number=Months, Year =last open year)

Links generally open the Tables of Contents.

ASCII Characters are used (no exceptional characters, such are omitted)

The Life Sciences and Medicine are finetuned. Journals of the major categories of Engineering/Agrosciences, Humanities/Education, Sociology/Politics/Economy are not fine-categorized - yet.

The lists are upgraded on a daily scedule. **** The BLUE buttons are valid in germany, only; they link to the Nationallizenz for users who are not affiliated with a research organization (e.g. Physicians like me) so that they can obtain papers from a few cooperating publishers. I am scanning the hosts these days. Done: DeGruyter, Thieme, EndocrineSoc, Sage, Psych, Oxford, Nature, Cambridge, BlackwellWiley A-C; only content of interest to physicians in res&clin will be selected ****

A convolute of about 5.000 Journals collected in the Biodiversity Heritage Library BHL (typically older Journals in Zoology and Botanics, some Anatomy) have been botted from the BHL and they are tabulated on a nice german resource.

OLPE OPEN is at http://www.suchbuch.com/openlit.html.

It is a product of Ossip Groth, Maria Theresia Strasse 11, D 54762 Olpe root@kidney.de